I agree with the article that the internet can be a wonderful thing that has a lot of fun games and all great stuff for kids. But it can also be a dangerous place with a lot of people that can find you if you do something wrong to them.  I think that the (COPPA) Children's Online Privacy Production Act is a great thing that  all parents should use for their kids and protect themselves and their children's safety. The online protection tools are almost 100% to keep you kid out of harms way. Getting involved in your kids online actives I think the number one thing that all parents should do is share an email with you kid. Basic rules in the basic rules never trade personal photographs in the mail or scanned photographs over the Internet is a very good rule to tell your child.

I already knew a lot about internet safety and how important it is for parents to enforce it and how its not a joke.
I learned a lot from this article about how the internet can be a very bad place and at the same time be a great place.
I would love to learn more about the (COPPA) production it seems like it is a very helpful internet safety program.